When my oldest son was born, we brought him home and had him go get his first checkup with the Pediatrician. They ran a battery of tests on him and one of them had blood work where they had to send that off to the lab. When the lab came back two weeks later, they called my wife and told her, you need to get your son to the hospital. He has hepatitus and he will be in the hospital for two weeks undergoing treatment but if you don't leave now, he will die. How is that for a wake up call. The last thing that an adoptive couple wants to do is for their kid to die so we left for the hospital. We took him to the Dr and they poked and prodded him, took blood every night and did I mention that he was a premie. He was around 6lbs at this point. For a Dad that was hard. A Dr came in the room and I asked her, "Why do you have to take blood from him every night?" "Why can't you just take the blood you have and run multiple tests with it? He doesn't have that much to give." Her answer was, "We can always give him a transfusion"
Parents, listen up. Doctors don't know everything. Ask questions. I wish I would have asked more questions up front. What tests are you going to run? When will you get the answer from that test? What additional tests will you run? Don't let Doctors dictate treatments for your kids. Oh by the way. My son never had Hepatitus. It was a False positive as the Dr would say.
On another occasion my wife took my son to the Emergency Care and told the Dr that he had been exposed to kids with Strep. Oh Maam, children don't get strep, he said. He ran some tests and sent him home. A day later, he was getting worse. She took him in to the Pediatrician. We want to test him for Strep. Well Children don't get strep. Guess what. The test came back positive for strep.
Learn from our pain people. Maybe one day, we will talk about what I think about innoculations.
God bless
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