This may be a strange post but I thought it was a good reminder to us. In my life and maybe in yours too, you come to the point where you realize that your kids know right from wrong. Now that's an easy thing to say but not such an easy thing to recognize when you are there on the front lines trying to take care of things. In our life, it happened not to long ago. My youngest crawled over to the oldest child's blanket. Just for clarity sake, let me tell you that this is the blanket that my 4 year old uses to get to sleep at night. It is literally hanging on by a thread. He uses it to rub on his face and that helps him to go to sleep. Well he brought it downstairs and my youngest went for it. Now he is not trying to hurt it. He probably wants to eat it. Well..maybe just put it in his mouth. My oldest gets in trouble for a lot of stuff. All of his toys are supposed to magically become the property of him and his brother. That is a hard transition for a 4 year old. He has gotten his fair share of reprimands. So on this occasion my wife tells Ethan, my youngest, "No No." Ethan is almost 10 months old but he is so smart. He knows the difference between right and wrong at this stage. So then he started back for it. Again my wife says "No No." So afer that she pulls him away. After he starts for it the third time, she puts him in time out. What does time out look like for a 10 month old. Well it looks like a crib or pack and play. Baby jail.
What did that accomplish? We have come to the point of realizing that we need to be firm with out kids. What we say, goes. In this case, my older son saw that he wasn't the only one getting in trouble. My younger son saw consequences of being disobedient. Will it stick? We shall see.
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