Friday, May 25, 2012

How to keep a baby entertained

How to Keep a Baby Entertained

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Keeping a baby entertained is really quite easy. They enjoy exploring almost everything and love to take things out of a purse or from drawers.


  1. Place the baby on the floor on their stomach or back or place them in a bouncy seat. Make sure with there is a toy or an object in front of the baby so he or she can focus on that and play with it.

  2. Find a set of keys and jingle them in front of the baby. They can get easily distracted by something like this, and if you can’t find a set of keys, try a toy that shakes or rattles.

  3. Make funny sounds, talk to them, or even make faces. Babies love to be talked to and have attention focused on them. Walk around the room with them in your arms so they can see what is going on.

  4. Sing songs. Play "patty cake" or "itsy bitsy spider" or other hand games. Play "peek-a-boo" by teaching the baby to lift the blanket up and down himself.

  5. Give the baby something they aren't normally allowed to play with, like plastic ware, pots and pans, empty boxes or even a purse.

  6. Go on an outing. Babies love to watch other kids. Take a little one to the park and let them watch the bigger kids play. Even going to a nearby area, like the backyard, corner store, or checking the mailbox will entertain a baby.

  7. Read a Book to a Baby or Infant. Try using different voices, tones, pitches, gruffness, and accents to make it more entertaining. Point at and name things on a page.

  8. Build a tower out of blocks together or build a tower and let the baby knock it down.

  9. Try moving the baby around the house, apartment, or whatever every half-hour or so. To the baby, it may seem like an entirely new place to play.

  10. Take off the baby's clothes and put him or her in an empty bathtub to play for a while. Many babies love having some time without clothes on, and it can be good for treating and preventing diaper rash.

  11. Bathe an Infant; many rugrats really enjoy a bath time. Parents love coming back to a clean, happy baby.

  12. Put on some music and dance with the baby held in your arms (not too rough)!

  13. Many babies love ripping paper, like newspaper. Just be careful that the paper doesn't get into their mouth. To help prevent such a problem, offer the baby a pacifier as he or she plays with the paper. Try to find paper that is very clean or uses soy-based ink if possible.

  14. Make room for baby in their toy box and sit them in there with the toys to play.

  15. Play in the closet or under a blanket tent with flashlights and other toy lights.



  • Shiny or noisy objects and toys always seem to help. Just make sure it is not too loud for the baby to cry.

  • When making faces you want to be careful as to what faces you make, you don't want to scare the baby and make them cry. Also when talking to them, you want to talk in a nice soothing and calming voice, nothing too alarming for them.

  • If the baby does start to cry, blow a stream of air towards his or her face, gently like you were trying to cool a bowl of soup. This will calm the baby and he/she will usually stop for a deep breath; this is your chance to amuse.

  • Babies respond better when you talk in a voice that is a little higher pitched than its normal register.

  • Be creative. A lot of everyday objects and situations can become a source of entertainment for a baby. For more detailed ideas listed in a month by month guide, visit


  • Make sure you play gently - babies are delicate creatures!

  • Keep your eyes on the baby at all times (or make sure someone else in the room is watching).

  • Avoid objects that are sharp. Avoid playing in areas where a baby could easily bump his/her head and furniture with sharp corners.

  • Babies need their own space also. They like to be left alone with books to check it out. Watch your child, but also allow them to have time alone. Do not think you have to entertain them all the time!

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Sources and Citations

  • For more detailed ideas listed in a month by month guide, visit It will show you ideas of things to do to entertain babies from newborns through school age children!

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Keep a Baby Entertained. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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