Thursday, July 12, 2012

Checklist for Foster Care

These are some of the items that you need to consider before providing foster care for the child.

1) Have you attended the orientation class?  If not, call the office and get on the roll.  If they don't contact you later or let you know when the next class is scheduled then call back.  Its the government and they are busy.
2) If this is something you want to consider then have you signed up for the training classes
3) Are you prepared to keep the child in your home?  Do you have space?   Do you have the fire extinguisher, smoke alarms, fire ladder for 2 story homes?   Do you have a bedroom?
4) Children need to be transported to any meetings with the birth parents, therapy, etc.  Do you have the time and transportation?
5) Do yo have an ear?  They won't open up at once but they will need an ear.  Talk with them. 
6) Are you ready to let go?  No one guaranteed you the child.  The birth parents can always work the plan.

NOTE: There is help for foster families.  Our area has a clothing/toy shelter that is open to the kids.  There are also discounts for food at local restaurants.   You may also get plugged into a group of foster families that can provide some support. 

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