Monday, June 28, 2010

Post Placement visit

What is the post placement visit? This is the follow-up visit where someone comes out to your home and completes a report which states that the child is thriving in your home. So lets take a walk through your adoption journey.

Step 1: Paperwork – Background Checks, Health Checks, Credit Checks, etc.
Step 2: Home Study – Normally 3 visits. If a husband and wife are adopting, one visit with both parents, one visit with the husband and one visit with the wife.
Step 3: Go active – This is the waiting game. You either wait on the Biological Mother to choose you or you wait on the State to choose you as the parent.
Step 4: Matched with the child or perspective parent.
Step 5: Consent by the biological mother and father
Step 6: Follow-up visit typically by the Home Study provider.
Step 7: Finalization

Ok, this should put things in perspective. Before finalization, an agency will do a follow-up visit to see how things are going. Think of it like the homestudy for the court. You have done all of the work for the birth mom to pick you. Now its time to shift your focus to the court. Typically this step is completed by the agency that completed your home study. In our first adoption, our agency was in Kansas. We had to get our home study completed on our own. We used a local agency from Georgia. The cost of the home study included the followup for the post placement visits. In Georgia, we had to complete 2 post placement visits. Your state might be different. Don't worry because its almost over at this point. After this step, the lawyer schedules the finalization hearing and its over.

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