When you adopt, one of the biggest choices you have to make is what agency you will work with. There are some great agencies out there and there some agencies who just want your money. Speaking of money, some agencies want everything up front and others will let you pay gradually. Let me tell you that one of the biggest challenges in adopting is putting all of your money and your emotions out there and then trusting that the agency will "Do the right thing." Believe me that you don't want to get in that situation. My wife and I lost 2500 dollars at one agency and it then went out of business. We came out with our son so we are thankful because other couples lost 10's of thousands of dollars. So how do you avoid those costly mistakes?
1. Use a referal of a friend where possible
2. Check the Better Business Bureau
3. Google that business. Lets be honest, you have to take this step with a grain of salt because, if you're happy with your adoption, you probably don't care about leaving a good comment but all of the folks who complain use the internet to "Vent".
4. You may consider using a referral agency first. They should be able to look at the available children of multiple agencies and then pair you up with the right one. PLEASE investigate all agencies.
One of the things my wife and I are doing with this adoption is using an agency that is basically a pay as you go. Plus there is no payment due until the child is yours. Other agencies like you to pay them and then if the match fails, you lose your "At Risk" money. So these agencies have a budget for adoptions fees, then a budget for the Birth Mom expenses and the Birth Mom expenses are "At risk" depending on how much of that budget the birth mom uses. So just to review your fees might include:
1. Application Fee - Register with agency
2. Home Study Fee - Your homestudy
3. Agency Fee - Agency expenses
4. Post Placement Fee - Followup when child is in home
5. Legal Fees - Attorney to close the adoption.
6. Birth Mother Fees - utilities, rent, etc while the mom has the baby
Some agencies might call them different things but that's the core list. Some agencies want you to find your own lawyer and others want you to use their lawyers. Ensure what fees are included in the total price.
You will also see a lot about how long it will take to complete your adoption. Some couples wait 2 years and others will wait 2 weeks. Look at the average wait times. How many couples are there in your program? I'm sure I have missed a lot but this will hopefully get you thinking about what you need. Please ask questions if you need anything.
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